Banana Pineapple Green Smoothie

Green Pineapple-Banana Smoothie

These amazing fruit and veg shakes are becoming more and more popular. And no wonder why, smoothies are ideal start to the day, because they contain many vitamins, iron, and a whole bunch of other useful nutrients that will give you energy for the whole day. For those of you who are on a diet, this is a great way to give your body what it needs, without adding unnecessary calories and fat. The preparation time takes only about 10 minutes so you can easily make yourself a green smoothie in the morning before work. Especially in the winter, this recipe is an indispensable source of vitamins.

This smoothie recipe contains banana and pineapple, as these two flavours complement each other perfectly, and several clementines that make it more juicy. If you don’t like spinach (or you think you won’t like it), don’t frown, you can’t feel the its taste, but it’s very good for you. Furthermore, the spinach not only comprises fiber, but also strengthens the immune system, keeps the skin healthy and strengthens the bones.

Green Pineapple Banana Smoothie

Ingredients for about 850 ml:

  • ½ pineapple
  • 2 bananas
  • 3 clementines
  • 50 g spinach
  • 150 ml cold water

Pineapple-Banana Smoothie Ingredients

Banana Pineapple Green Smoothie Preparation:

  1. Cut the rind of the pineapple and cut into small pieces.
  2. Squeeze the juice of the clementines.
  3. Wash the spinach.
  4. Peel and cut the bananas.
  5. Blend everything in a food processor.

Start your day reFRESHed! Banana Pineapple Green Smoothie

Pineapple Spinach Banana Smoothie Recipe

Banana Pineapple Green Smoothie
2017-09-06T21:35:07+01:00 February 28th, 2017|1 Comment

One Comment

  1. Fredrik 07.03.2017 at 22:30 - Reply

    Yes, please!

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