This meat roll Stephanie is super quick because all the preparation takes place in a food processor. You can serve it on its own as this recipe has a lot of vegetables but if you would like to serve it with a side, roasted potatoes is a great shout.
You can double the amount of eggs and put them in whole instead of halves as described in the recipe below. Serves 6.
Meat Roll Stephanie Ingredients:
- 500 g pork mince meat
- 250 g mushrooms
- 8-10 gherkins
- 4 eggs
- 3 large carrots
- 1 ½ onion
- 1 thick slice of old bread
- 1 tsp. dried parsley (or a few sprigs of fresh parsley)
- 1 tsp. salt
- ½ tsp. cumin
- ½ tsp. black pepper
- 1 tsp. paprika
- Sunflower oil for greasing the baking pan
- Foil
Meat Roll Stephanie Preparation:
- Boil hard 3 eggs. Put the bread slice in a deep plate and pour some water on top to soak it.
- Peel the carrots, clean the mushrooms and cut the gherkin’s stems if they have any. Attach the grater blade to your food processor and process the vegetables. Transfer them to a bowl.
- Peel the onion and process it as well. Change your attachment with the knife blade but leave the onion inside. Add in the minced meat and the remaining raw egg. Drain the bread from the water and add it in the food processor. Blend everything for a few minutes until well combined.
- Preheat the oven to 200ºC. Grease a baking tray.
- Peel the boiled eggs and cut them in halves.
- Cut a piece of foil longer than the length of the baking tray. Flatten it out on your working surface. Place the minced meat on top and roll it out using your hands. Make a rectangular form with the size of your baking tray.
- Put the grated vegetables all over, just leave a few centimetres free on one end. Arrange the egg halves on top.
- Using the foil, make a tight roll.
- Transfer it to your baking tray and cover it with the same foil.
- Bake for about an hour. In 30 minutes remove the foil and reduce the heat to 180ºC. You’ll notice that the minced meat has released some juices, you can use pour them over the meat roll a few times during baking.
Bon appetit!
Tip: 5-10 minutes before you take the Stephanie meat roll out of the oven, you can sprinkle it with grated cheese or mozzarella.
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